Parish Plan
The Parish Plan is a community led plan, or in other words, a document put together though community consultation and involvement which sets out priorities for the Parish and how we wish to see our area develop whilst retaining its character and distinctiveness. The Loppington Parish Plan was adopted by the Parish Council 12th September 2012.
View the Parish Plan
For more information on Community Led Plans in Shropshire click here
The Parish Plan informs Shropshire Council in putting together its Local Development Framework.
The wider infrastructure priorities for the Parish are contained in the Place Plan for Wem and Surrounding area.
Wem and Surrounding area Place Plan
For more information on Place Plans click here
Please have a look at our Parish Plan, if you have any comments, ideas or suggestions for the Parish which might be included in the Parish Plan please Contact Us
The Parish Council meets bi-monthly; to enable it to respond to planning matters in a timely manner the Parish Council operates a Scheme of Delegation
If you wish to express your views to the Parish Council on planning issues please contact us
Planning Applications
Application No. | Location | Proposal | LPA Decision |
24/02306/DIS | Land West Brown Heath Ellesmere Shropshire | Discharge of conditions 1 (commencement) and 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 21/02179/FUL | Permission Granted |
24/02010/PMBPA | Proposed Residential Barn Conversion SE Of Charity Farm Burlton | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from agricultural to form two residential units | Pending Consideration |
24/01985/LBC | Spenford House Loppington SY4 5NG | Replacement windows | Pending Consideration |
24/01919/LBC | Spenford House Loppington SY4 5NG | Removing existing 20th century lean-to and replacing it with a single storey side extension which will provide a shower room and WC disabled access and a log store. | Pending Consideration |
24/01918/LBC | Spenford House Loppington SY4 5NG | Erection of a replacement orangery with balcony at first floor to rear following removal of existing | Pending Consideration |
24/01917/LBC | Spenford House Loppington SY4 5NG | Removal of modern plasterboard ceiling to expose the original timbers and insulate the roof in between the roof joists | Refused |
24/01906/LBC | Spenford House Loppington SY4 5NG | Repositioning of staircase and associated works | Permission Granted |
24/01905/LBC | Spenford House Loppington SY4 5NG | Removal of crumbling chimney,re opening of old first floor door/window careful removal of brickwork replace with opening inward windows with glass on exterior for safety. Removal of 3 floor joists to be able to access the loft for storage as current hatch unsafe and fit staircase | Pending Consideration |
24/01816/FUL | Hawk Stone Villa Brown Heath Ellesmere SY12 0LA | Garage extension for woodworking workshop | Pending Consideration |
24/01734/LBC | Spenford House Loppington SY4 5NG | Removal of modern entrance porch and replace with oak enclosed porch. | Pending Consideration |
24/01700/LBC | Spenford House Loppington SY4 5NG | Remove modern plasterboard partition to hall | Permission Granted |
24/01547/FUL | Proposed Agricultural Workers Dwelling At Poultry Units North Of Brandwood Myddle | Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling and garage. | Pending Consideration |
24/01449/LBC | Primrose House, Burlton SY4 5SX | Erection of a veranda in rear courtyard | Permission Granted |
24/01448/FUL | Primrose House, Burlton SY4 5SX | Erection of a veranda in rear courtyard | Permission Granted |
24/01196/DIS | Bentley Growers Ltd Brandwood Myddle SY4 3RF | Discharge of Condition 1 relating to Planning Permission 19/04288/FUL | Withdrawn |
24/00618/DIS | Bentley Growers Ltd Brandwood Myddle SY4 3RF | Discharge of Condition 3 (Ecological Clerk of Works) relating to Planning Permission 19/04288/FUL | Approved |
24/00238/FUL | The Laurels Brown Heath Ellesmere Shrewsbury. SY12 0LA | Erection of private use equestrian building and associated works | Permission Granted |
24/00132/DIS | Bentley Growers Ltd Brandwood Myddle Shrewsbury. SY4 3RF | Discharge of Condition 4 (Habitat Management Plan) relating to Planning Permission 19/04288/FUL | Approved |
24/00012/FUL | Land At Brown Heath Ellesmere. SY12 0LA | Erection of storage building for hay and straw and reinstatement of existing gateway access | Permission Granted |
23/05142/PAAFC | Agricultural Building At Burlton Grange Burlton Shrewsbury | Change of use from Agricultural Building and associated yard to commercial use under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class R - Agricultural Buildings to Flexible Commercial Use (Storage and Distribution), of Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) | Prior Approval Required and Approved |
23/04891/FUL | Weavers Loft Common Wood Wem Shrewsbury SY4 5SJ | Erection of extension to existing agricultural outbuilding | Permission Granted |
23/04623/LBC | Spenford House Loppington Shrewsbury SY4 5NG | Erection of single storey extension to rear entrance and extension to the rear elevation with balcony above following demolition of existing with internal alterations, conversion of existing garage into annex and erection of 3 bay garage with artist studio/accommodation above and new entrance and driveway | Refused |
23/04622/FUL | Spenford House Loppington Shrewsbury SY4 5NG | Erection of single storey extension to rear entrance and extension to the rear elevation with balcony above following demolition of existing with internal alterations, conversion of existing garage into annex and erection of 3 bay garage with artist studio/accommodation above and new entrance and driveway | Refused |
23/04508/LBC | Primrose House, Burlton, SY4 5SX | Erection of a veranda in rear courtyard (affecting a Grade II listed building) | Refused |
23/04507/FUL | Primrose House, Burlton, SY4 5SX | Erection of a veranda in rear courtyard | Refused |
23/04147/AMP | Jubilee House Brown Heath Ellesmere | Non Material Amendment to 22/04078/PMBPA - Modest amend to internal layout and openings | Permission Granted |
23/04132/AGR | Weavers Loft Common Wood Wem Shrewsbury SY4 5SJ | Proposed extension to existing agricultural outbuilding development (NS/09/00372/AGR) by increasing the width of the building from 6m to 10m and the ridge height from 3m to 4.5m. The additional height and area are required to accommodate multiple 2m tall wine fermentation/storage tanks | Permission Required |
23/03618/LBC | Spenford House, Loppington, Shrewsbury, SY4 5NG | Removal of 20th C partitions formation of new partitions to create bathroom and en suite. Removal of 20th C staircase and opening up of 2 no original door openings | Permission Granted |
23/03234/DIS | The Firs Noneley Road Loppington SY4 5SR | Discharge of condition 4 (drainage) relating to planning permission 23/01809/FUL for the erection of garage/workshop building with loft storage | Approved |
23/03191/CPL | Brook House Burlton Shrewsbury SY4 5SX | Lawful development certificate for the proposed siting of a caravan as an ancillary annexe | Lawful |
23/02748/LBC | Primrose House, Burlton, SY4 5SX | Erection of a car port affecting a Grade II Listed Building | Not Proceeded with Ref: Officer report 23/02696/FUL |
23/02696/FUL | Primrose House, Burlton, SY4 5SX | Erection of a car port | Permission Granted |
23/02622/VAR | Old Post Office, Burlton, SY4 5SX | Variation on Condition 2 (approved plans and drawings) of Application Reference Number: 21/04662/FUL Date of Decision: 01/12/2021 | Permission Granted |
23/02536/AMP | Agricultural Buildings East Of Jubilee House Brown Heath Ellesmere | Non material amendment to relocate barn owl box relating to Planning Permission 22/04078/PMBPA | Permission Granted |
23/02369/TPO | Spenford House, Loppington, Shrewsbury, SY4 5NG | Crown and height reduction by the overall secondary branch length reduction of approximately 3 - 5m of 1no. Sycamore & overall secondary branch length reduction of 2 - 5m (around 20% overall crown) taken to suitable growing points of 1no. Yew protected by the Shropshire Council (Loppington Village North) TPO 2014 (Ref. SC/00207/14) (Amended 30/06/23) | Permission Granted |
23/02305/LBC | Spenford House, Loppington, Shrewsbury, SY4 5NG | Internal works to existing building to create an en-suite bathroom and a walk in wardrobe to bedroom 2 (as amended 9/8/23) | Permission Granted |
23/02301/FUL | Spenford House, Loppington, Shrewsbury, SY4 5NG | Alterations to existing gateway to revert back to original hedge line and replace gates for wooden electric to create a safer entrance and boundary and re-arrangement of existing modern stud work to first floor level | Withdrawn |
23/02292/TCA | Spenford House, Loppington, Shrewsbury, SY4 5NG | To fell to ground level 1no. Cherry & trim up to 0.5m to retain shape approx. 5no. Conifers within Loppington Conservation Area (Amended 30/06/23) | Approved |
23/02109/FUL | Forest Cottage Burlton Shrewsbury SY4 5TB | Erection of single storey rear extension | Permission Granted |
23/01917/TCA | Shrublands, Loppington, Shrewsbury, SY4 5NG. | To fell to ground level 2no. Leylandii within Loppington Conservation Area | Approved |
23/01809/FUL | The Firs Loppington Shrewsbury, SY4 5SR | Erection of garage/workshop building with loft storage | Permission Granted |
23/01763/VAR | Bentley Growers Ltd, Brandwood, Myddle, Shrewsbury, SY4 3RF | Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) in relation to planning permission reference 19/04288/FUL | Withdrawn |
23/01427/FUL | The Plane Field, Noneley, Wem, Shropshire | Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the Erection of Agricultural Building (Retrospective) | Permission Granted |
23/01279/CPL | Forest Cottage Burlton SY4 5TB | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the Construction of a rear single storey extension to create larger kitchen | Refused |
23/01228/LBC | Maltkiln Farm, Burlton, SY4 5SU | Erection of two storey extension (following demolition of existing lean-tos), reinstatement of front canopy and rear entrance semi-open porch plus internal alterations to the house and the formation of a garage/store within an existing outbuilding affecting a Grade II Listed Building (revised scheme) | Permission Granted |
23/01227/FUL | Maltkiln Farm, Burlton, SY4 5SU | Erection of two storey extension (following demolition of existing lean-tos), reinstatement of front canopy and rear entrance semi-open porch plus internal alterations to the house and the formation of a garage/store within an existing outbuilding (revised scheme) | Permission Granted |
23/00347/FUL | Rose Cottage Brown Heath Ellesmere SY12 0LA | Single storey side extension | Permission Granted |
23/00177/LBC | Spenford House Loppington SY4 5NG | Retention of works carried out to south east gable involving dismantling and replacement of timber frame elements and infill panels affecting a Grade II Listed Building | Permission Granted |
23/00009/FUL | The Villa, Loppington SY4 5SE | Erection of first floor extension over existing single storey building (revised scheme) | Permission Granted |
22/05429/FUL | Coppice Farm, Burlton, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 5SU | Construction of agricultural storage building | Permission Granted |
22/05156/FUL | Land North Of Heath Villas, Brown Heath, Ellesmere, SY12 0LA | Erection of 4 stables, tack room/feed store and hay store, construction of manage, formation of car parking area and alterations to existing field access | Permission Granted |
22/05094/AMP | Grafton Farm Barns Noneley Wem SY4 5SL | Non Material Amendment to planning permission 10/01997/FUL - Insertion of Rooflights and windows | Permission Granted |
22/04978/CPL | 19 Charleston Way Loppington SY4 5US | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed conversion of part of existing attached garage into a home office / study | Lawful |
22/04862/FUL | Heath Villa, Brown Heath, Ellesmere, SY12 0LA | Erection of polytunnel for general purpose agricultural storage and lambing | Permission Granted |
22/04465/FUL | The Villa, Loppington, SY4 5SE | Erection of a new two storey side extension following demolition of the existing single storey side extension | Withdrawn |
22/04452/TCA | The Magnolias Loppington SY4 5NG | Crown reduction by 10 to 15 percent of 3no. Magnolia within Loppington Conservation Area | Approved |
22/04078/PMBPA | Agricultural Buildings East Of Jubilee House Brown Heath | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 Agricultural building to be converted to dwelling with adjacent agricultural building(s) to be used for ancillary domestic storage and carport | Approved |
22/03923/LBC | Maltkiln Farm Burlton SY4 5SU | Erection of two storey extension (following demolition of existing lean-tos), front porch and rear entrance plus internal alterations to the house and the formation of a garage/store within an existing outbuilding | Withdrawn |
22/03922/FUL | Maltkiln Farm Burlton SY4 5SU | Erection of two storey extension (following demolition of existing lean-tos), front porch and rear entrance plus internal alterations to the house and the formation of a garage/store within an existing outbuilding | Withdrawn |
22/03542/DIS | Burlton Grange Burlton SY4 5SX | Discharge of conditions 4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,27,29,30 and 31 for the conversion of farm buildings to form 6no residential units and the subdivision of an existing dwelling to form 2no units and all associated works affecting a grade II listed buildrelating to 20/02579/LBC | Part Approved |
22/03541/DIS | Burlton Grange Burlton SY4 5SX | Discharge of conditions 4a, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 and 16 for the conversion of farm buildings to form 6no residential units and the subdivision of an existing dwelling to from 2no units and all associated works relating to 20/01876/FUL | Part Approved |
22/03335/DIS | The Wood Burlton Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 5SUT | Discharge of conditions 3 (external services), 4 (EPS licence), 5 (external materials), 6 (artificial nesting boxes), 7 (rooflights), 11 (lighting plan) and 12 (ecological survey) relating to planning permission 15/03872/FUL | Approved |
22/03191/FUL | Burlton Grange, Burlton SY4 5SX | Erection of agricultural storage building | Permission Granted |
22/02893/FUL | Brook House, Burlton, Shrewsbury, SY4 5SX | Erection of annex building following demolition of existing outbuilding | Refused |
22/02702/DIS | 1 Grafton Farm Barns Noneley Wem SY4 5SL | Discharge of Conditions 3 (External materials), 4 (Exterior materials), 5 (Roof materials), 6 (Roof construction), 7 (Roof rooflights), 8 (Brickwork pointing), 9 (Joinery), 10 (Bat and bird box provision), 11 (Lighting plan) and 12 (Demolition) relating to Planning Permission 20/04916/FUL | Approved |
22/02254/FUL | The Firs, Loppington Wem, SY4 5SR | Erection of garage/workshop building with external staircase to first floor | Withdrawn |
22/02035/FUL | The Varnall, Burlton, SY4 5SZ | Erection of a first floor extension | Refused |
22/02019/VAR | Solar Farm East Of B4397, Burlton | Variation of condition 13 (time limit restriction) attached to planning permission 16/01363/VAR to extend the time limit restriction of the operational life of the solar farm from 30 years to 40 years | Permission Granted |
22/01984/LBC | Church Farm , Nook Lane, Loppington, SY4 5SG | Erection of rear single storey oak framed extension and > remedial repairs affecting a Grade II Listed Building (re-submission) | Refused |
22/01983/FUL | Church Farm , Nook Lane, Loppington, SY4 5SG | Erection of rear single storey oak framed extension and > remedial repairs (re-submission) | Refused |
22/01885/LBC | Primrose House, Burlton SY4 5SX | Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the tanking of the cellar affecting a Grade II Listed Building | Permission Granted |
22/01880/LBC | Primrose House, Burlton SY4 5SX | Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the removal of the modern plaster board internal partition within the kitchen affecting a Grade II Listed Building | Permission Granted |
22/01505/FUL | Charity Farm Burlton SY4 5SX | Erection of an extension and lean to on current grain store, to house a grain dryer and provide additional grain storage. | Permission Granted |
22/00523/FUL | Smithy Cottage , Scholars Lane, Loppington, SY4 5RE | Erection of single storey extension (Orangery) to rear elevation; alterations to front elevation to enable conversion of integral garage to residential | Permission Granted |
21/05061/PMBPA | Agricultural Buildings East Of Jubilee House Brown Heath | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from agricultural to dwelling | Permission Required and Refused |
21/04662/FUL | Old Post Office, Burlton, SY4 5SX | Erection of two storey side and rear extension and new porch following removal of existing rear lean-to and side, single storey sunroom | Permission Granted |
21/04328/TCA | St Michaels And All Angels Church, Loppington | To carry out a 5-10% crown reduction and lift 2no Maple trees (T1, T2), remove branch leaning over gravestone and a 2 1/2 metre lift of canopy 1no Cherry tree (T8) and fell 2no self set holly trees (T9, 10) within Loppington Conservation Area | Approved |
21/04327/TPO | St Michaels And All Angels Church, Loppington | To crown lift 5 1/2 metres for vehicle clearance (T3 and T4) 2no Yew trees, cut back to roadside boundary and lift on church side (T5,6 and 7) 3no Yew trees and remove collapsed branch on churchside (T7) 1no Yew tree protected by Shropshire Council (Loppington Village South) TPO 2016 | Permission Granted |
21/04281/AMP | Brook House Burlton SY4 5SX | Non Material Amendment to planning application 21/01646/FUL to change the external render to brickwork | Permission Granted |
21/03248/PMBPA | Agricultural Building NW Of Burlton Grange, Burlton | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from agricultural to residential use (resubmission) | Not Required |
21/02878/FUL | Lyneal Lodge Farm Loppington SY4 5NG | Erection of side extension to form annex | Permission Granted |
21/02179/FUL | Land To The West Of, Brown Heath | Formation of riding manege with post and rail boundary fencing | Permission Granted |
21/02036/FUL | Land Adjacent Mill Lane, Brown Heath, Ellesmere, SY12 0LA | Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the change of use of agricultural land to equestrian and erection of a field shelter, tack/hay store and stable block | Permission Granted |
21/01771/FUL | Proposed Agricultural Building North of Brown Heath | Erection of livestock and storage building and formation of new access and gateway | Permission Granted |
21/01646/FUL | Brook House, Burlton, SY4 5SX | Refurbishment of existing house, with new raised roof and two storey extension | Permission Granted |
21/00455/DIS | Charity Farm Burlton SY4 5SX | Discharge of Conditions 4 (Access and visibility) and 5 (Access apron) relating to Planning Permission 19/02973/FUL | Withdrawn |
21/00446/LBC | Church Farm Nook Lane SY4 5SG | Erection of rear single storey oak framed extension and remedial repairs affecting a Grade II Listed Building | Refused |
21/00445/FUL | Church Farm Nook Lane SY4 5SG | Erection of rear single storey oak framed extension and remedial repairs | Refused |
21/00311/FUL | The Mill Field, Brown Heath | Erection of livestock and storage building | Refused |
20/04969/FUL | Old Post Office, Burlton. SY4 5SX | Erection of two storey side extension, first floor rear extension, porch and associated works | Permission Granted |
20/04916/FUL | 1 Grafton Farm Barns, Noneley. SY4 5SL | Extension of domestic accommodation utilising existing calving pens; demolition of large wooden shed and replacement with smaller wooden store; regularisation of landscaping | Permission Granted |
20/03993/LBC | Melrose House Charleston Way Loppington SY4 5QW | Works to include replacement of windows; replacement of external/internal doors; remedial works to external beams and chimney stacks; installation of heating system and sanitary ware; re-opening of fireplaces; replacement ceilings/flooring; removal of stud walling; and all associated works | Permission Granted |
20/03377/FUL | Runners Rest Burlton SY4 5SU | Conversion of existing outbuilding (barn/garage use) to gym use associated with the main dwelling and infill extension between existing outbuildings, creation of a new 2 bay open front/ side timber, pitched roof car port and hard-standing | Permission Granted |
20/03274/FUL | Brook House, Burlton SY4 5SX | Erection of two storey extension and alterations to include entrance drive and change of use of strip of land to domestic curtilage | Withdrawn |
20/02579/LBC | Burlton Grange, Burlton, SY4 5SX | Conversion of farm buildings to form 6no residential units and the subdivision of an existing dwelling to form 2no units and all associated works affecting a grade II listed building | Permission Granted |
20/02590/FUL | Forresters Farm, Noneley, SY4 5SL | Section 73A TCPA 1990 for change of use of existing Dutch Barn together with cladding of sides to create an enclosed domestic storage shed | Permission Granted |
20/02559/FUL | Noneley Hall Farm Noneley SY4 5SL | Formation of gated access | Permission Granted |
20/02365/FUL | Burlton Grange Burlton SY4 5SX | Relocation of existing farm buildings (to supersede 20/00308/FUL) and extension | Permission Granted |
20/02257/AGR | Land Adj To Noneley Hall Farm Noneley SY4 5SL | Proposed new gateway access | Planning Permission Required |
20/02205/FUL | Rose Cottage Brown Heath SY12 0LA | Erection of two storey side extension to southeast elevation with first floor balcony | Refused |
20/02080/FUL | Charity Farm Burlton SY4 5SX | Erection of no.2 fully-accessible Chalets and a Wellness Studio, to include installation of additional visitor parking and associated landscaping | Permission Granted |
20/02079/CPE | Melrose House Charleston Way Loppington SY4 5QW | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the existing use of building for residential use | Certificate of Lawful Existing Use |
20/01876/FUL | Burlton Grange Burlton SY4 5SX | Conversion of farm buildings to form 6no residential units and the subdivision of an existing dwelling to from 2no units and all associated works | Permission Granted |
20/01875/FUL | Forresters Farm Noneley SY4 5SL | Section 73a TCPA Country Planning Act 1990 to convert the upstairs section of an existing barn into a 2 bedroomed en-suite accommodation for short term holiday lets | Permission Granted |
20/01692/TPO | The Villa, Loppington SY4 5SE | end weight reduction of lower branches by 1-2 metres, remove 1 or 2 crossing branches and lateral branches overhanging hedgerow of 1no Walnut tree Loppington Village West TPO 2014 | Permission Granted |
20/01649/PMBPA | Agricultural Building NW Of Burlton Grange Burlton | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from agricultural to residential use | Permission Required Appeal Lodged Ref: 20/02863/PAPD |
20/02863/PAPD | Agricultural Building NW Of Burlton Grange Burlton | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from agricultural to residential use | Appeal Dismissed |
20/01587/DIS | Burlton Grange Burlton SY4 5SX | Discharge of condition 3 (access driveway) relating to planning permission 20/00308/FUL | Approved |
20/01529/PMBPA | Proposed Barn Conversion West Of The Mill Farm Burlton | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from agricultural to residential use | Withdrawn |
20/00983/DIS | Building South Brownheath Moss Brown Heath | Discharge of Condition 4 (Drainage details) and Condition 5 (Landscaping details) attached to planning permission 19/03679/FUL | Approved |
20/00642/DIS | Meadowview Barn Brown Heath SY12 0LA | Discharge of Condition 3 (Vehicular and Pedestrian Access) of planning permission 16/04626/VAR | Approved |
20/00308/FUL | Burlton Grange Burlton SY4 5SX | Relocation of farm building and alteration of route of access track | Permission Granted |
20/00109/DIS | 3 Noneley Hall Barns Noneley SY4 5SL | Discharge of Condition 3 (materials) 4 (rooflights) and 5 (External door and windows) attached to planning permission 17/01537/LBC for Proposed incorporation of the existing attached garage area into living accommodation and the erection of a detached garden room / store building | Approved |
20/00090/DIS | 3 Noneley Hall Barns Noneley SY4 5SL | Discharge of Condition 3 (materials) attached to planing permission 17/01536/FUL for Proposed incorporation of the existing attached garage area into living accommodation and all associated works | Approved |
19/04918/PMBPA | Agricultural Building NW Of Burlton | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from agricultural to residential use | Permission Required |
19/04420/AMP | Dickin Arms Loppington SY4 5SR | Non material amendment to the first floor southern elevation to remove one window and reposition door. | Permission Granted |
19/04288/FUL | Bentley Growers Ltd Brandwood SY4 3RF | Erection of an additional poultry shed, additional biomass boiler, feed bins, wood pellet bin, concrete apron and landscaping | Permission Granted |
19/03868/DIS | Dickin Arms, Loppington SY4 5SR | Discharge of condition 3 attached to planning permission 18/04775/FUL for the erection of a part two storey covered stair and single storey extension forming stores, wash up and laundry | Approved |
19/03679/FUL | Land Near Moss Cottage Brown Heath Ellesmere | Erection of an agricultural storage and livestock building with hardstanding | Permission Granted |
19/03520/DIS | The Wood, Burlton SY4 5SU | Discharge of Conditions 3 - 7 relating to Planning Permission 15/03871/FUL (amended description). The Wood Burlton SY4 5SU | Approved |
19/03519/DIS | Burlton Grange Burlton SY4 5SX | Discharge of condition 3 (colour of slurry tower) and 4 (landscaping) relating to planning permission 19/02029/FUL | Approved |
19/03435/FUL | Brook House Burlton SY4 5SX | Construction of a new vehicular access and blocking up of existing access | Permission Granted |
19/03317/FUL | The Mill Farm Burlton Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 5SX | Relocation of existing vehicular access driveway to include installation of electric gates | Permission Granted |
19/02973/FUL | Storage Building At Charity Farm, Burlton | Erection of an agricultural storage building (Grain Store) and alterations to existing vehicular access | Permission Granted |
19/02040/FUL | Heath Villa Brown Heath SY12 0LA | Erection of single storey rear extension | Permission granted |
19/02029/FUL | Burlton Grange Burlton SY4 5SX | Construction of agricultural slurry tower | Permission granted |
19/01916/DIS | Common Wood Farm Common Wood Wem SY4 5SJ | Discharge of Conditions 3 (Roof materials), 4 (Joinery), 5 (Brickwork pointing), and 6 (Roof construction) relating to Planning Permission 18/04809/FU | Approved |
19/01909/PMBPA | Agricultural Building NW Of Burlton Grange Burlton | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from agricultural to residential use | Permission Required |
19/01392/PMBPA | Agricultural Buildings East Of Jubilee House Brown Heath | Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from agricultural to residential use | Permission Required |
19/01257/FUL | South View Noneley Rd Loppington SY4 5SR | Erection of extensions to rear and front to provide first floor living accommodation | Permission Granted |
19/00021/LBC | Church Farm Nook Lane Loppington SY4 5SG | Remedial repairs to building, demolition of rear wash room and rear extension | Withdrawn |
19/00012/FUL | Church Farm Nook Lane Loppington SY4 5SG | Remedial repairs to building, demolition of rear wash room and rear extension | Withdrawn |
18/05014/TPO | St Michaels Terrace Noneley Road Loppington SY4 5SW | Crown lift lower limbs over roadway to give 5.2m clearance & remove deadwood of 1no Oak protected by the Shropshire Council (Loppington Village South) TPO 2016 (Ref: SC/00251/16) | Permission granted |
18/04809/FUL | Common Wood Farm Common Wood Wem SY4 5SJ | Erection of a two storey rear extension | Permission granted |
18/04775/FUL | Dickin Arms Loppington SY4 5SR | Erection of single storey extension; formation of seating area on roof with exterior access staircase and glazed balustrading; glazed first floor lobby area is to be created; roofworks | Permission granted for amended application |
18/04562/DIS | Common Wood Farm Common Wood Wem SY4 5SJ | Discharge of Conditions 6, 12 & 13 | Part Approved |
18/04468/FUL | 9 Melrose Crescent Loppington SY4 5UL | Conversion of double garage to art studio | Permission granted |
18/03999/DIS | Holywell Moor Brown Heath SY12 0LD | Discharge of condition 10 (photographic survey) relating to listed building consent reference 18/00677/LBC | Approved |
18/03778/LBC | Maltkiln Farm Burlton SY4 5SU | Insertion of a ground floor window on the south west elevation | Permission granted |
18/03270/FUL | The Gables Burlton SY4 5SX | Erection of first floor extension | Permission granted |
18/03189/FUL | The Snuggery Burlton SY4 5SX | Erection of first floor extension | Permission granted |
18/02886/FUL | Forest Cottage Burlton SY4 5TB | Erection of new double garage to rear of existing property | Permission granted |
18/02480/DIS | Holywell Moor Brown Heath SY12 0LD | Discharge of Conditions 5-10 relating to listed building consent | Part Approved |
18/02278/DIS | Holywell Moor Brown Heath SY12 0LD | Discharge of Condition 3 (external materials) | Approved |
18/00677/LBC | Holywell Moor Brown Heath SY12 0LD | Erection of single storey and attic extension following demolition of existing; insertion of first floor window and associated internal alterations | Permission Granted |
18/00676/FUL | Holywell Moor Brown Heath SY12 0LD | Erection of single storey and attic extension following demolition of existing; insertion of first floor window and associated internal alterations | Permission Granted |
17/05520/DIS | Coppice Farm Burlton SY4 5SU | Discharge of Condition 2 (materials) attached to planning permission 17/01978/REM for the Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to permission 16/00606/OUT | Approved |
17/04887/AMP | Bridge Farm Brown Heath Loppington SY12 0LA | Non Matetial Amendment application to increase the balcony area on planning permission 15/04288/FUL | Permission Granted |
17/04836/FUL | Coppice Farm Burlton SY4 5SU | Erection of silage clamp | Permission Granted |
17/04525/FUL | Land To The West Of, Brown Heath, Loppington | Erection of stable, alterations to existing access and hardstanding | Permission Granted |
17/04138/AGR | Coppice Farm, Burlton, SY4 5SU | Erection of Silage Clamp | Prior Approval not Required |
17/03082/FUL | 3 Ryecroft Villas, Loppington, SY4 5ST | Erection of first floor rear extension | Permission Granted |
17/02661/FUL | The Old Smithy, Burlton SY4 5TB | Erection of single storey infill extension to form extended kitchen and utility | Permission Granted |
17/01978/REM | Proposed Agricultural Workers Dwelling NE Of Coppice Farm, Burlton | Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to permission 16/00606/OUT for erection of an agricultural workers dwelling and detached garage | Permission Granted |
17/01537/LBC | 3 Noneley Hall Barns, Noneley SY4 5SL | Erection of single storey rear extension affecting a Grade II Listed Building (as amended) | Permission Granted |
17/01536/FUL | 3 Noneley Hall Barns, Noneley SY4 5SL | Erection of single storey rear extension (as amended) | Permission Granted |
17/01376/OUT | Proposed Dwelling North West Of Yew Tree Cottage, Loppington | Outline application (all matters reserved) for the erection of one dwelling | Refused |
17/01003/FUL | 15 Pickhill, Burlton, Shrewsbury, SY4 5TA | Erection of a single storey side extension | Permission Granted |
17/00591/HHE | 15 Pickhill Burlton SY4 5TA | Erection of a single storey rear extension to semi detached dwelling | Not proceeding |
16/05762/FUL | 2 Wackley Cottages Burlton SY4 5TB | Erection of a single-storey extension following demolition of existing conservatory | Permission Granted |
16/04880/FUL | 1 And 2 The Shrubbery Loppington SY4 5NG | Extensions to each property to create first floor residential accommodation to include insertion of dormer windows to front and rear elevations | Permission Granted |
16/04639/AMP | Charity Farm Burlton SY4 5SX | Non material amendment to Planning Permission 14/02537/FUL | Permission Granted |
16/04626/VAR | Barn At Rose Cottage Brown Heath SY12 0LA | Removal of Condition No.9 (holiday let) attached to 08/01317/FUL dated 11/09/2008 to allow the holiday let unit to be a permanent residence | Permission Granted |
16/04210/DIS | Linden, Scholars Lane, Loppington SY4 5RE | Discharge of Conditions relating to app. no.16/02460/LBC | Approved |
16/04207/DIS | Linden Scholars Lane Loppington SY4 5RE | Discharge of Conditions 3 (Tree Protection) and 5 (External materials) relating to Planning Permission 16/01462/FUL | Approved |
16/04134/FUL | Linden , Scholars Lane, Loppington, SY4 5RE | Erection of carport and associated works to existing porch. | Permission Granted |
16/03758/FUL | 3 And 4 The Shrubbery And The Poplars Loppington | Demolition of 3No dwellings and replace with 3No log cabins | Permission Granted |
16/03361/FUL | Jubilee House, Brown Heath, Loppington, SY12 0LA | Erection of two-storey extension to include balcony | Permission Granted |
16/03175/FUL | Park House, Loppington, SY4 5NG | Erection of 1 No. dwelling and garage following demolition of existing | Permission Granted |
16/02865/VAR | Rose Cottage, Brown Heath, Loppington, SY12 0LA | Variation of Condition No. 9 (holiday accommodation only) attached to Planning Permission 08/01317/FUL dated 11 September 2008 to allow permanent residence | Withdrawn |
16/02563/FUL | Runners Rest, Burlton, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 5SU | Erection of a single storey rear extension | Permission Granted |
16/02460/LBC | Linden Scholars Lane Loppington SY4 5RE | Works to facilitate change of use of existing out buildings to form residential annex and holiday let affecting a Grade II Listed Building | Permission Granted |
16/01462/FUL | Linden, Scholars Lane, Loppington SY4 5RE | Change of use of existing out buildings to form residential annex and holiday let | Permission Granted |
16/01363/VAR | Solar Farm East Of B4397, Burlton, Shrewsbury, Shropshire | Variation of Condition No.2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 14/02537/FUL to allow for relocation of buildings and minor alterations to internal access tracks and panels | Permission granted |
16/01214/DIS | Manor Farm Noneley SY4 5SL | Discharge of Condition 3 (materials) relating to 15/03755/FUl | Approved |
16/00606/OUT | Coppice Farm, Burlton, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 5SU | Outline application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling to include access | Permission Granted |
16/00368/FUL | Mill Cottage Brown Heath SY12 0LB | Erection of two storey side extension | Permission Granted |
16/00343/AMP | Charleston Way, Loppington | Non-material amendment to planning permission 09/70203/FUL | Permission Granted |
15/03872/FUL | The Wood, Burlton, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 5SU | Conversion and change of use redundant barn building to form a self contained holiday let to include erection of single storey extension | Permission granted |
15/03871/FUL | The Wood , Malt Kiln Farm,Burlton, Shropshire, SY4 5SU | Conversion and extension of redundant barn into a self contained annexe ancillary to the main dwelling | Permission granted |