
On these pages you will find matters affecting the place in which we live, our landscape and streetscene; matters such as highways and footpaths, planning matters including a link to the latest applications, health, housing, ecology and conservation, trees and hedges; and rural matters

Community Led Plans 

A Neighbourhood Plan is a statutory document introduced by the Localism Act which focuses on planning and infrastructure in the Plan area.

Parish Plan or Village Design Statement is a non-statutory document with a more ‘holistic’ approach. It is a vision for the future, an action plan based on the needs and aspirations of the community. A Parish Plan is significant in that, if adopted by the unitary authority, becomes a material consideration for planning in the area.

For more information:-

Neighbourhood Planning

ACRE Community Led Planning

Shropshire Council Neighbourhood and Community Led Plans

You will find Loppington Parish Plan and Planning Information here