Dog Fouling/Fly Tipping



The Fouling of Land by Dogs (Shropshire Council) Dog Control Order 2013

This Order applies to all land in the Parish that is open to the air and to which the public are entitled or permitted to have access, such as footpaths, roads and countryside sites. There are some exceptions and you can read about them here

Dog owners (excluding registered blind persons) are required by law to clean up after their dogs. It is an offence which will incur a fixed penalty fine of £75.00 if you leave excrement from your dog in public areas. More serious offences, on conviction in the Magistrates Court, could result in a fine up to £1,000.

Loppington Parish Council would like to help all dog owners to be responsible owners. There are bins provided around the Parish for you to dispose of your dog waste.

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Dog waste bin locations

St Michael’s Terrace
Scholars Lane
Brown Heath Lane
by the Tan Pit

You can report Dog Fouling issues to us or to Shropshire Council Street Cleansing Department. You can access the Shropshire Council online report form here

The following Dog Control Orders came into force on 1st November 2013:-

The Fouling of Land by Dogs (Shropshire Council) Order 2013

The Dogs on Lead by Direction (Shropshire Council) Order 2013

The Dogs Exclusion (Shropshire Council) Order 2013

For details click here

Fly Tipping

Environmental Protection Act 1990

Fly-tipping is the illegal deposit of waste on land, contrary to Section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Shropshire Council is responsible for removing items which have been dumped on public land and highways; and where possible will take action against fly tippers.

The Environment Agency will investigate the more serious incidents of illegally deposited waste.

Items deposited on private land are the responsibility of the landowner.

If you see any waste, household or other types of waste, or discarded items on the highway or any other public place you may
report it here

To read about other types of Environmental Maintenance and Enforcement from dead animals on the road to abandoned vehicles click here & view Street Care and Cleansing