Annual Parish Meetings

An Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is a requirement in England and it takes place between 1st March and 1st June each year*. The Parish Council normally convenes the APM and the Chairman of the Parish Council presides. Any elector in the parish has the right to vote at the APM.  Loppington normally holds its APM in March each year.

It is not a Parish Council meeting but a more informal way of community engagement. It is an opportunity for residents of the Parish to put forward ideas; discuss any issue or topic; or make comments on matters which they feel affects their local community. More generally it is an opportunity for local community groups to disseminate information and promote their organisations.

You are invited to come along to the APM and, if you wish to, make a presentation and celebrate your organisation and the good work that you do.
We review our Parish Plan regularly, this meeting is an appropriate forum for discussion if you have any proposals which you would like to put forward.

The next Annual Parish Meeting will take place in April 2024. 

Please contact your parish clerk or member of your parish council if you wish to put an item on the agenda.


9 April 2024AgendaLPC Annual ReportVillage Hall
St. Michael's Church
Draft Minutes
19 April 2023AgendaLPC Annual Report 2023Village HallMinutes
8 March 2022AgendaLPC Annual Report 2022Minutes
9 March 2021 Cancelled LPC Annual Report 2021X
10 March 2020AgendaLPC Annual Report 2020Minutes
12 March 2019Agenda LPC Annual Report 2019Minutes
13 March 2018AgendaLPC Annual Report 2018Minutes
14 March 2017AgendaLPC Annual Report 2017Minutes
10 May 2016Agenda LPC Annual Report 2016Minutes
24 March 2015Agenda LPC Annual Report 2015Minutes
11 March 2014LPC Annual Report 2014Minutes
13 March 2013Minutes

*Part III of Schedule 12 to the Local Government Act 1972 (“the 1972 Act”) and the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (“the 1960 Act”)