Parish Councils are statutory bodies and the first tier of local government, they have powers to provide many local facilities such as bus shelters, open spaces, allotments and much more. They represent the communities in which they serve, deliver services to meet local need and work towards community well being.
Your Parish Councillors are:
Cllr. Mrs Tracey Barton (Vice Chair) | 01939 270839 | |
Cllr. Rupert Bearne | 01939 809017 | |
Cllr. Stuart Connon | 01939 233995 | |
Cllr. Mrs Domenica Hume-Miller (Chair) | 01939 236656 | |
Cllr. John Street | 07399 015026 | |
Cllr. Nick Taylor | 01939 233471 | |
Cllr. Mrs Gail Wilkins | 07547 117518 | |
Vacancy |
Our Representatives on other groups :-
Shropshire Association of Local Councils, North Shropshire Area Committee – Cllr. R. Bearne
Village Hall and Recreation Ground Committee – Cllr. R. Bearne
Shropshire Council Emergency Planning – Cllr. S. Connon
Shawbury Helicopter Liaison Group – Cllr. S. Connon
Contact the Parish Council :
Your Shropshire Councillor is Cllr. Brian Williams
If he is not available please leave your name and a brief message on the answer phone and he will call you back as soon as possible.
Your Member of Parliament for North Shropshire is
Helen Morgan